Why People Move?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the most often-cited general category for moving in 2022 was housing-related reasons, accounting for 41.6% of movers.

People move for various reasons , but the most common motivator is more affordable housing.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the most common reasons to move include:
New and better housing
Establishing own household
New job or transfer
Family reasons (marriage, nearness to relatives, etc.)
Lifestyle preferences
Career reasons
Economic reasons
The number of people who moved between states rose from nearly 7.9 million people in 2021 to approximately 8.2 million people in 2022, according to newly released U.S. Census Bureau estimates.
The American Community Survey (ACS) shows state-to-state movers also made up a larger share of all movers between 2021 and 2022, increasing from 18.8% to 19.9%.
Despite shifts in reasons for moving and types of moves, the mover rate remained at a historic low. The 2022 mover rate was 8.7%, not statistically different from the low 8.4% rate in 2021. The number of movers also remained statistically unchanged between 2021 and 2022 (about 27.1 and 28.2 million, respectively).
Why people move to Washington state?
Washington state is a popular destination for many reasons. According to Livability, some of the top reasons to move to #Washingtonstate are:
Booming job market: With a thriving tech industry in the Seattle area, Washington state has a strong job market.
Waterfront locations: With roughly 2,500 miles of marine shoreline, a vibrant shipping industry centered around major ports, and dozens of inhabited islands, Washington is a haven for both businesses and individuals who prefer a near-water location.
Environmentally friendly: The state of Washington consistently ranks among the top five in various rankings of the most environmentally friendly states.
No state income tax: Washington is one of seven states with no personal state income tax.
Outdoor activities: With three national parks within state boundaries – Olympic, North Cascades and Mount Rainier – Washington is a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts.